Workbook Download

Workbook Download

Ask the Better Question Workbook Cover

Thank you for your interest in the Ask the Better Question® workbook. I trust you will find the workbook summary information and exercises helpful in furthering your skills in asking the Better Question®.

There are a number of other resources available, should you wish to further your skills or those of your team. There are two supportive videos which will supplement the material in your workbook.

Ask the Better Question®

Question-Storming is Better Than Brainstorming

The full workbook, along with a generous offering of other templates and information to enhance your skills can be purchased here.

Interested in holding a Ask the Better Question® workshop within your organization? We offer customized workshops in 2, 4, or 6 hour segments that have been reformatted to meet the needs of our virtual world. Please contact me with further questions or, even better, let’s set up a time to fully explore your needs.

The world is too full of unquestioned answers.

Lynne Twist

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