About Katherine

About Katherine

Katherine Rosback Picture

BS Chemical Engineering

MS Organizational Communication

Highly Acclaimed Workshop Leader


Featured Conference Speaker


Katherine Rosback has a BS in Chemical Engineering and a MA in Organizational Communication, both from Purdue University. She has over 30 years of experience working with c-suite executives and project teams in the areas of company mergers, leadership transitions, strategy development, organizational redesign, change management, and business transformation (see representative list of projects here). Client industries include airlines, pharmaceutical, medical diagnostic, family businesses, insurance, transportation, oil and gas (upstream and downstream), non-profit (sporting, educational).

Katherine is not only active in her hands-on work with teams, but also continues her research in the neuroscience of decision making, conversation analysis, and the psychology and sociology of group dynamics. Katherine is a recognized thought leader and expert in advanced facilitation and questioning skills. She is the author of Asking is Better than Telling, Ultimate Facilitation Tool Kit, and host of the podcast, What’s Another Question.

Katherine is an engaging conference speaker, known for her ability to bring a hard edge to the soft stuff for technical audiences. Speaking engagements include Rolls-Royce North American Women’s Retreat, American Society of Quality Control, Society of Decision Professionals, INFORMS Analytics Conference, National Society for Creativity, and the International Organizational Communication Conference.

From 2007-2015, Katherine developed and ran the Girls Horsemanship Camp, a series of week-long sessions for girls aged 8-14. The camps focused on building self-esteem, team skills, and communication skills using the medium of the horse.

Other Credentials

  • Chemical Engineer, Dupont
  • Statistical Process Engineer, Union Carbide
  • Director of Quality, Roche
  • ASQC Certified Engineer (1989)
  • Decision and Risk Analysis Facilitator

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