The Learning Center

The Learning Center

Unleash the potential of your team.

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Leadership Series

Leading Teams to Better Choices

Drawing on the workshop leader’s extensive experience and research in the practice of asking better question, diagnosing people systems. and the neuroscience of making better decisions, this one-of-a-kind and highly praised workshop delves into the key areas and competencies essential for making better choices. Join this hands-on and engaging workshop–designed and led by a teacher with more than 30 years of experience in assisting teams across different industries–to learn how to leverage the potential of your team’s thinking and achieve better results.

The Hague

Sept 2023
Sept 2023
Oct 2023
Oct 2023
Nov 2023
Dec 2023
April 2024
June 2024

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Leadership Series

Ask the Better Question®

What makes questions effective? How can you employ improved questions to a) more fully engage your team’s thinking, b) explore complex scenarios, c) challenge restrictive beliefs, and d) encourage innovation? The ability to pose better questions is frequently highlighted as an essential leadership skill, yet it’s seldom taught. This distinctive one-day workshop, derived from the instructor’s twenty years of experience and research in questioning techniques and the effects on the brain, will enhance your proficiency and capacity to effectively communicate in the language of questions.

Leadership Series

Designing and Leading Effective Decision Board Sessions

This workshop teaches leaders and facilitators of decision boards how to design and foster balanced discussions that answer the questions critical to making quality decisions. LIVE WEBINAR (4 hours)

Live Webinar

Private Workshops upon request

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Leadership Series

Facilitating Strategic Planning Workshops

This 1-day workshop teaches seasoned facilitators how to design and lead strategic planning workshops that bring tangible value to the organization.

Customized Workshops

Looking for a customized workshop to fit your needs? Wanting to create a blend of the topics covered above?

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Leadership Series

Designing and Leading Effective Decision Board Sessions

This workshop teaches leaders and facilitators of decision boards how to design and foster balanced discussions that answer the questions critical to making quality decisions. LIVE WEBINAR (4 hours)

Live Webinar

Private Workshops upon request


Tool Talk


Brainwriting is a powerful tool that mitigates a group’s tendency to repeat what others have stated (known as groupthink) and lessens the negative effects of certain cognitive and motivational biases that can be detrimental to team effectiveness and decision quality.

Tool Talk


Learn why Brainstorming has minimal success in helping us break out of our boxes and how using question-storming assists in uncovering the underlying assumptions that keep us locked into the old way of doing things.

What’s Wrong With Using The Weighted Criteria Method

We are always making decisions., whether it’s which of the 31 flavors of ice cream to scoop or how to use millions in a capital allocation project. Is the Weighted Criteria Method the answer? Or are there better questions to ask?

What’s WRONG With Being Data-Driven?

The plethora of journal articles points to the value of becoming data-driven. But an even greater number point to why these data projects are failing. Why does this make perfect sense? What are the questions that data project leaders are failing to ask and answer? That’s the topic we explore, with special guest and expert decision analyst, Rob Brown.

DEI and Racism in the Workplace

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in the workplace continue to produce less-than hoped for outcomes. Research shows that despite well-intended efforts, the needle has barely moved. To what extent are organizations asking the wrong question to the wrong people? This powerful interview with mental health specialist and inclusion advocate, Elizabeth L. McCorvey, LCSW explores this question, one that should be explored by every organization seeking to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace. (36 min)

Lessons Learned in the I-Corp Program

The I-Corp Program has an established track record for improving the commercialization of technologies by getting participants “off the lab bench and out of the building” to meet with and understand the needs of the target customers. This podcast explores the firsthand experience of I-Corp participants and how this program radically changed their thinking.

Ask Better Questions of Your Customers with the I-Corp Program

Organizational adoption rates of new technologies, processes, and initiatives could learn valuable lessons from The I-Corps™ program, a program created by the NSF in 2011 to help move academic research it has funded to market.  Join me and my guest, Dr. Mathew Lynall, Director of the I-Corp Process at Purdue University, to learn how an entrepreneur’s questioning process and commercialization success rate is improved by getting off the lab bench and out of the building and sitting down with customers to ask the better question.

Better Questions for Decision Boards and Steering Committees

This podcast explores the challenges faced by Chevron’s Decision Boards to improve the quality of their decision conversation with decision teams when they implemented the Decision and Risk process and provides insights into the better questions that steering committees, advisory councils and leadership teams can ask to more effectively steer the work and output of teams. Special guests include Frank Koch, retired Decision Advisor Practice Lead for Chevron and Dr. Gary Bush, decision expert and leadership coach.

Welcome to ”What’s Another Question”

Ready to refine your skills in questioning? Looking for an understanding of how your current questions might be limiting the solutions you seek? Check out the topics we will be covering. Ready to air April 15th!

Seeking Alignment? Beware the Polite “Yes”

Think your team is 100% aligned behind your initiative, only to later hear the talk of dissent or note that no progress is being made? Are you mistaking a “yes” spoken in a meeting for commitment? What’s the better question that could be asked to ensure you are not simply the receiver of the polite yes in a critical conversation?

Words Matter

I have a passion for how people use words and the process by which they make meaning from those words. Why the interest? Because words matter. The choice of one poor word can quickly send a meeting down an unproductive path. For instance, take the word “strategy.” No other word has been used so frequently in business books or so routinely on the covers of business magazines. Yet despite this word’s popularity, different people use it to mean different things, and those differences can compromise meeting outcomes significantly. To address the pitfall of multiple meanings, when I begin strategic planning …

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The Three Most Useless Meeting Questions – Part One

What are the 3 most useless questions in a meeting? Learn small tips that make large differences in getting the input you seek as a facilitator or leader.

Have A Nice Weekend?

Conversational greeting rituals help us connect with people every day. Take it a step deeper and see how conversational analysis can help you gain insight by listening below the words.

A batter knocks one out of the park.
A batter knocks one out of the park.

Overcoming the Odds of Implementation – Part One

People often tend to speak in solutions without even thinking about the problem or quesiton that is driving those solutions. Learn how to fall in love with the problem and persevere at understanding its essence.

If You Only Had 5 Minutes…

If you only had 5 minutes with a stakeholder, what question would you ask?

Building the Conversational Bridge Image
Building the Conversational Bridge Image

Build the Conversational Bridge with Clients

When you are trying to get someone to buy your idea or support your initiative, how do you begin?

User engaged and smiling at her laptop screen
User engaged and smiling at her laptop screen

Blind Trust: Techniques for Working in the Virtual World

Learn 5 powerful techniques for running a better virtual meeting.

Oil pumpjack representing untapped potential.
Oil pumpjack representing untapped potential.

Enhanced Engagement Techniques

To what extent does the knowledge and ideas in your meeting room go un-tapped? Learn 6 powerful techniques for tapping into the knowledge present in your meetings.

What's your question?