Ask the Better Question®

Ask the Better Question®

Rooted in the instructor’s extensive research in asking better questions, this advanced workshop teaches leaders, project managers, customer development leads, and facilitators the skills to ask the better question. We cover the neuroscience behind why questions work in the way they do, question do’s and don’ts, why your well-intentioned question often fails to deliver the insights and underlying drivers required for effectively framing an opportunity, and the question structures that more effectively leverage the brain’s natural thinking processes.

Ask the Better Question

Workshop outcomes include:

  • greater skills and agility in posing the questions that best align with the situation
  • increased team engagement and contributions
  • improved interpretation and listening skills – what are they really saying?
  • richer dialogues in employee performance meetings
  • decreased analysis paralysis in decision-making
  • increased commitment to decisions
  • deeper understanding of a client’s perspective of the problem to be solved

Who Should Attend?

  • Team leaders
  • Entrepreneurs seeking to understand their target market
  • R&D or technical departments aspiring to improve the uptake of their designs with business units
  • Organizational members desiring to enhance stakeholder relationships
  • Sales managers needing to draw out their client’s value drivers
  • Coaches and consultants
  • Meeting and process facilitators

Questions Asked by Past Participants

  • How can I improve the way in which I interview stakeholders? (I am given only five minutes to talk with them.)
  • What are the questions I need to be asking of my customer that will improve customer relationships?
  • How can I improve the quality of engagement with my leadership team?
  • How can I make my performance review sessions more valuable with my employees?
  • How can I get the business units to buy-in to our new technologies?
  • How do I better understand what is really important to someone? They say they want something, yet when it is delivered they don’t use it.
  • How can I get a group past compliance to commitment?

What's your question?