The Learning Center

The Learning Center

Unleash the potential of your team.

Meeting Image

Leadership Series

Leading Teams to Better Choices

Join this unique and highly-praised workshop–designed and led by an instructor with more than 30 years of experience in leading teams across multiple industries–to improve your skill in leveraging the potential of your team to improve must-succeed meeting outcomes. Topics include how to mitigate social influences and biases, effectively frame problems, navigate the messy decision, deal with difficult behaviors, create alignment when faced with multiple objectives, and ask the better questions to improve team engagement and foster deeper thinking.

“The best workshop on leadership I have taken in my 35-year career.”

“This should be required for every leader. Changed the way I design and lead meetings.”

“Loved the insights on what drives people and behavior. Great tools for how to reach alignment.”

“Extremely applicable to every engagement, decision process, and team meeting.”

“Great tips and tools for how to deal with biases.”

“Rich content and great discussions. Katherine has an incredible depth of experience and knowledge.”

I’m Interested in Attending

Leadership Series

Ask THIS Instead: Typical Management Questions to Avoid and Why

It’s a skill that everyone recognizes leaders need but it is one that is rarely taught. Rooted in the instructor’s extensive research and experience of asking better questions, we teach you how to ask the better question. Whether you are wanting to improve your stakeholder interviews, lead better strategy or business planning discussions, enrich your 1:1 direct report meetings, or enhance the rigor of your decision-making meetings, this application-focused workshop will improve your fluency in the language of questioning.

“Katherine is obviously an expert in the field of asking questions. Super insights.”

“We are asking the wrong questions of our decision boards!”

“Learning to ask better questions is like learning a new language. Super information on how to do this.”

“Great session! I discovered that what I thought was a good question is not so–this will help me in difficult conversations.”

“Spend time thinking on what you really want and then be intentional about the question asked. I have already put this into practice with positive results.”

I’m Interested in Attending

Leadership Series

Designing and Leading Effective Decision Board Sessions

This workshop teaches leaders and facilitators of decision boards how to design and foster balanced discussions that answer the questions critical to making quality decisions. LIVE WEBINAR (4 hours)

“Great exercises and opportunity to evaluate where conversations take a wrong turn.”

“Biggest learning is how I need to use my facilitation skills more. These meetings are not just about presentation skills.”

“Really thought provoking class, Definitely some key takeaways to improve my meetings.”

“Very practical application. Learned a tremendous amount.”

“Need to ask more purposeful questions. Need to plan these ahead of time for better dialogue.”

I’m Interested in Attending

Leadership Series

Facilitating Strategic Planning Workshops

This 1-day workshop teaches seasoned facilitators how to design and lead strategic planning workshops that bring tangible value to the organization.

Customized Workshops

Looking for a customized workshop to fit your needs? Wanting to create a blend of the topics covered above?

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Leadership Series

Designing and Leading Effective Decision Board Sessions

This workshop teaches leaders and facilitators of decision boards how to design and foster balanced discussions that answer the questions critical to making quality decisions. LIVE WEBINAR (4 hours)

“Great exercises and opportunity to evaluate where conversations take a wrong turn.”

“Biggest learning is how I need to use my facilitation skills more. These meetings are not just about presentation skills.”

“Really thought provoking class, Definitely some key takeaways to improve my meetings.”

“Very practical application. Learned a tremendous amount.”

“Need to ask more purposeful questions. Need to plan these ahead of time for better dialogue.”


Tool Talk


Brainwriting is a powerful tool that mitigates a group’s tendency to repeat what others have stated (known as groupthink) and lessens the negative effects of certain cognitive and motivational biases that can be detrimental to team effectiveness and decision quality.

Tool Talk


Learn why Brainstorming has minimal success in helping us break out of our boxes and how using question-storming assists in uncovering the underlying assumptions that keep us locked into the old way of doing things.

What’s Wrong With Using The Weighted Criteria Method

We are always making decisions., whether it’s which of the 31 flavors of ice cream to scoop or how to use millions in a capital allocation project. Is the Weighted Criteria Method the answer? Or are there better questions to ask?

What’s WRONG With Being Data-Driven?

The plethora of journal articles points to the value of becoming data-driven. But an even greater number point to why these data projects are failing. Why does this make perfect sense? What are the questions that data project leaders are failing to ask and answer? That’s the topic we explore, with special guest and expert decision analyst, Rob Brown. Discover more from Katherine Rosback Subscribe to get the latest posts sent to your email. Type your email… Subscribe

DEI and Racism in the Workplace

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in the workplace continue to produce less-than hoped for outcomes. Research shows that despite well-intended efforts, the needle has barely moved. To what extent are organizations asking the wrong question to the wrong people? This powerful interview with mental health specialist and inclusion advocate, Elizabeth L. McCorvey, LCSW explores this question, one that should be explored by every organization seeking to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace. (36 min) Discover more from Katherine Rosback Subscribe to get the latest posts sent to your email. Type your email… Subscribe

Does Your Technology Solve Your Customer’s Problem? Lessons Learned from the I-Corp Program

The I-Corp Program has an established track record for improving the commercialization of technologies by getting participants “off the lab bench and out of the building” to meet with and understand the needs of the target customers. This podcast explores the firsthand experience of I-Corp participants and how this program radically changed their thinking. Discover more from Katherine Rosback Subscribe to get the latest posts sent to your email. Type your email… Subscribe

Understanding the Customer’s Perspective of the Problem To Be Solved: The I-Corps Program

Organizational adoption rates of new technologies, processes, and initiatives could learn valuable lessons from NSF The I-Corps™ program.  Join me and my guest, Dr. Mathew Lynall, Director of the I-Corp Process at Purdue University, to learn how technical commercialization success rates improve when high-tech PhDs get off the lab bench and out of the building and ask better questions of potential customers. Discover more from Katherine Rosback Subscribe to get the latest posts sent to your email. Type your email… Subscribe

Better Questions for Decision Boards and Steering Committees

This podcast explores the challenges faced by Chevron’s Decision Boards to improve the quality of their decision conversation with decision teams when they implemented the Decision and Risk process and provides insights into the better questions that steering committees, advisory councils and leadership teams can ask to more effectively steer the work and output of teams. Special guests include Frank Koch, retired Decision Advisor Practice Lead for Chevron and Dr. Gary Bush, decision expert and leadership coach. Discover more from Katherine Rosback Subscribe to get the latest posts sent to your email. Type your email… Subscribe

Welcome to ”What’s Another Question”

Ready to refine your skills in questioning? Looking for an understanding of how your current questions might be limiting the solutions you seek? Check out the topics we will be covering. Ready to air April 15th! Discover more from Katherine Rosback Subscribe to get the latest posts sent to your email. Type your email… Subscribe

Stop Speaking in Solutions! Improve Your Game by Focusing on the Problem Instead

The odds for successful implementation rates of initiatives such as data analytics or DEI is about 20 to 40 percent. The document discusses the challenges organizations face in successfully implementing various initiatives, such as DEI, data analytics, and re-engineering. Drawing parallels to the key messages in Moneyball, leaders need to ask the right questions to clearly define the problem to be solved before proceeding with any initiative.

Maximizing Return on Investment for Face-to-Face Meetings: Essential Tips

Face-to-face meetings are the most expensive form of communication. Are you getting the full value from this investment when you hold a meeting? Do you even need to meet? Using these tips ensures you are getting the best return for your meeting investment.

Enhancing Idea Evaluations: Why Narratives Promote Better Questioning

What are the better questions that should be asked when evaluating proposals? Learn why requiring narratives instead of PowerPoint during presentations assists leaders in asking the questions that enhance the rigor of idea evaluation reviews.

Better Questions for the 1:1 Direct Report Meeting

Holding an effective 1:1 with your direct reports is a critical leadership skill. What are the questions that improve the output of this meeting?

Learning to Listen Below the Words: The Flip Side of the Question Coin

Listening “below the words” gives insight into a person’s underlying motivations and informs the better question.

Words Matter: The Risk of Using Words Like Risk

Do you lead risk or uncertainty assessment workshops? You might want to get a reading on the various interpretations of certain words in your meeting room.

Three Questions To Avoid in Meetings: Part II

Why asking meeting participants “Does everyone understand this?” fails to illuminate the understanding they are making.

Three Questions to Avoid When Leading a Meeting: Part I

What are the 3 most commonly asked meeting questions you might want to avoid? Learn small tips that make large differences in getting the input you seek as a facilitator or leader.

Building the Conversational Bridge Image
Building the Conversational Bridge Image

Build the Conversational Bridge with Clients

When you are trying to get someone to buy your idea or support your initiative, how do you begin?

User engaged and smiling at her laptop screen
User engaged and smiling at her laptop screen

Blind Trust: Techniques for Working in the Virtual World

Learn 5 powerful techniques for running a better virtual meeting.

Oil pumpjack representing untapped potential.
Oil pumpjack representing untapped potential.

Enhanced Engagement Techniques

To what extent does the knowledge and ideas in your meeting room go un-tapped? Learn 6 powerful techniques for tapping into the knowledge present in your meetings.

Discover more from Katherine Rosback

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