Katherine Rosback

Katherine Rosback

Stop Speaking in Solutions! Improve Your Game by Focusing on the Problem Instead

The odds for successful implementation rates of initiatives such as data analytics or DEI is about 20 to 40 percent. The document discusses the challenges organizations face in successfully implementing various initiatives, such as DEI, data analytics, and re-engineering. Drawing parallels to the key messages in Moneyball, leaders need to ask the right questions to clearly define the problem to be solved before proceeding with any initiative.


Brainwriting is a powerful tool that mitigates a group’s tendency to repeat what others have stated (known as groupthink) and lessens the negative effects of certain cognitive and motivational biases that can be detrimental to team effectiveness and decision quality.

What’s Wrong With Using The Weighted Criteria Method

We are always making decisions., whether it’s which of the 31 flavors of ice cream to scoop or how to use millions in a capital allocation project. Is the Weighted Criteria Method the answer? Or are there better questions to ask?

What's your question?