About Katherine

About Katherine

Katherine Rosback Picture

BS Chemical Engineering

MS Organizational Communication

Highly Acclaimed Workshop Leader


Featured Conference Speaker


[See representative list of projects here]

Hi! My name is Katherine Rosback. I have a BS in Chemical Engineering and a MA in Organizational Communication, both from Purdue University. I started working as a process engineer for DuPont. That was followed by working with subsidiary of Exxon as a Supplier Quality Engineer.

My next roles included regional quality engineer for Union Camp Corporation and a director of quality at a medical diagnostics company. That role included the experience of facilitating the executive team’s monthly meetings. It was in this capacity that I was introduced to and became trained as a decision and risk analysis facilitator.

Wanting to apply more of this knowledge, I joined a consulting firm that focused on strategic planning and assisting clients with making better decisions. I worked with c-suite executives, project teams, and business units assisting with company mergers, leadership transitions, strategy development, organizational redesigns, change management initiatives, and business transformations ). Industries included airlines, pharma, medical diagnostic, family businesses, insurance, oil and gas (upstream and downstream), and non-profit (sporting, educational).

But this engaging work created a search for more learning. Why do people do what they do? What are the better questions I should be asking to promote better thinking?

So it was back to university to find answers to these questions (thus earning my M.A in Organizational Communication). My focus was conversation analysis studies, sociology, and anthropology. I also took a deep interest in family therapy. I had no interested in becoming a family therapist, but wanted a better understanding of group dynamics. My research in these fields–including the neuroscience of decision making–is ongoing.

In addition to teaching my flagship workshop, “Leading Teams to Better Choices,” I am the author of “Asking is Better than Telling.” I give workshops on the science and practice of asking better questions. I am the author of the blog, “What’s Another Question.” My speaking engagements include Rolls-Royce North American Women’s Retreat, American Society of Quality Control, Society of Decision Professionals, INFORMS Analytics Conference, National Society for Creativity, SPE Women’s Network, and the International Organizational Communication Conference.

I look forward to working with you!

Other Credentials

  • Chemical Engineer, Dupont
  • Statistical Process Engineer, Union Carbide
  • Director of Quality, Roche
  • ASQC Certified Engineer (1989)
  • Decision and Risk Analysis Facilitator

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