Ultimate Facilitation Tool Kit

Ultimate Facilitation Tool Kit

  • What if you had a set of tools that ensures effective outcomes with buy-in across the board?
  • What if you mined the brilliance of your team?
  • What if your team generated step-change improvements to your business processes?
  • What if you knew creative thinking tools that are much more powerful than Brainstorming?

Enter Katherine Rosback, who has facilitated hundreds of must-succeed meetings and who has shown others how to do this through countless conferences. She has assembled for you twenty-five tried-and-true tools, rememberable processes for using them, and reliable cues for determining what tool to use when.

Refined over two decades of work with leaders and used in thousands of meetings, each of the 25 tools includes (in two-pages):

  1. Purpose of the tool,
  2. Detailed construction steps that teach you how to use the tool in your workplace,
  3. Example of the tool in use, and
  4. Tips for use based on the author’s vast experience
  5. Select tools contain a QR link to an audio file that contains additional tool information

You need this book if you’re a project manager, team leader, Lean member, Scrum master, or anyone else leading teams, making decisions, and solving problems.

Watch your decision-making and problem-solving transform into innovative solutions, irresistible strategy, resolved conflict, idea evaluation, effective implementation, and impressive outcomes.

COVID-19 NOTE: Can you use these tools in virtual meetings or during quarantine when communication is crazy? ABSOLUTELY. In fact, you likely want these tools even more while face-to-face communication is rare and business processes are trickier. YOU can become the leader who guides your team to not only survive but to thrive during COVID.

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